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🌕🎶 庆祝中秋佳节暨北美华人音乐家协会(CMA-NA)成立音乐会! 🎶🌕






🗓 日期:Sunday 9/15/2024
🕒 时间:3:00pm
📍 地点:The Concert Hall, 36 Madison Ave, Madison, NJ 07940



  • 杨瑾:中国音乐最高奖“金钟奖”得主,全球音乐奖银奖暨杰出成就奖得主,马友友丝路乐团合作音乐家,创建多个跨界室内乐团。
  • 王璐:布朗大学终身教授,柏林作曲奖和古根海姆奖得主。
  • 杨悦:特拉华大学驻校艺术家,California Artists签约艺术家,与马友友及国家交响乐团首演《Journey》。
  • 舒展:克利夫兰交响乐团首席大提琴,奥伯林音乐学院教师,印第安纳大学助理教授。
  • 夏菁:中国音乐最高奖“金钟奖”得主,加州参议院授予的“中国传统乐器大师”,全美十大华人杰出青年之一。
  • 钟世祺:柯蒂斯音乐学院和茱莉亚音乐学院毕业,北美最炙手可热的青年打击乐演奏家。
  • 朱晓音:中央音乐学院、柯蒂斯音乐学院毕业,曼哈顿音乐学院教师。
  • 查丽娜:中央音乐学院毕业,第二届纽约中国当代音乐节主唱,全球音乐奖银奖暨杰出成就奖得主。
  • Vince Di Mura:著名爵士钢琴家,普林斯顿大学教授。



1. 华协会员购票:

如果您已经是华协的会员并缴纳会费,请点击首页成为会员Become a Member,重新注册并选购门票。华协提供给每张会员票$5的优惠,每个注册家庭限购四张会员票,超过四人的票将按照非会员价支付。会员票的数量和您注册会员时填写的家庭成员数一致。例如:如果您注册的家庭会员包括两位大人和一位孩子,那么您可以买3张会员票。如果您的家庭会员包括两位大人三位孩子,那么您最多能买4张会员票,1张非会员票。一个家庭最多可享受$20的优惠,相当于一年华协会员费的免费。




2. 非会员购票:

如果您还不是华协会员,但有意向加入华协,可以按上述方法点击首页成为会员Become a Member,在华协网站完成注册并缴纳会费后,以优惠价购买音乐会门票。


3. 已在其他渠道购票的用户:


• 如果您已经是华协会员,请在新网站注册并完成会员信息登记。确认信息后,您可以在音乐会当天现场领取华协补助,以现金形式发放。

• 如果您还不是华协会员,但想成为华协会员,请在新网站完成注册、入会及缴费流程。收到确认信后,您可以在音乐会当天现场领取华协补助,以现金形式发放。 


Ticket Purchase Process

  1. Ticket Purchase for LCA Members:

If you are already a member of the LCA (Livingston Chinese Association) and have paid your membership fee, please click on "Become a Member" on the homepage to re-register and select your tickets. LCA offers a $5 discount on each member ticket, with a limit of four member tickets per registered family. Any tickets beyond four will be charged at the non-member rate. The number of member tickets available to you matches the number of family members you registered as part of your membership. For example, if your registered family membership includes two adults and one child, you can purchase 3 member tickets. If your family membership includes two adults and three children, you can purchase a maximum of 4 member tickets and 1 non-member ticket. A family can receive a maximum discount of $20, equivalent to a free one-year LCA membership.

Special Note: If you have already paid your membership fee on the old LCA website, please be sure to use the same email address you used on the old LCA website to complete the registration on the new website and fill in all the member information.

  1. Ticket Purchase for Non-Members:

If you are not yet a member of the LCA but are interested in joining, you can click on "Become a Member" on the homepage as described above. After completing your registration and paying the membership fee on the LCA website, you can purchase concert tickets at the discounted member price.

  1. Users Who Have Purchased Tickets Through Other Channels:

If you have already seen the concert flyer through other channels and have purchased tickets on another platform using the QR code on the flyer:

  • If you are already an LCA member, please register on the new website and complete the membership information. After verifying your information, you can receive the LCA subsidy in cash at the concert on the day of the event.

  • If you are not yet an LCA member but would like to join, please complete the registration, membership, and payment process on the new website. After receiving the confirmation email, you can receive the LCA subsidy in cash at the concert on the day of the event.