1/8/2025 10:22 am
三月一日周六晚6:00-9:00, 首届华协杯酸瓜球合家欢活动在Pickleball Palace举行。 现场提供点心和饮料也可自带酒水。
欢迎广大球友携家带眷, 共度一个愉快的夜晚!
1st LCA Cup Pickleball Fest
Saturday March 1st, 6-9 PM at Building D-9 Whippany Rd, Whippany, NJ 07981
Bring your friend and family! Enjoy a night full of music, refreshment and most of all: fun of playing pickleball!

2025 中华文化日 开始售票 Livingston Chinese Culture Day(LCCD)
1/7/2025 10:16 am
✨ 2025 年 Livingston 中华文化日·晚会 ✨
📅 日期: 2025 年 2 月 1 日(周六)
📍 地点: Livingston 高中礼堂 30 Robert H Harp Dr., Livingston, NJ
⏰ 时间: 晚上 6:30 - 8:30 (6:00 开放入场)
🔗会员优惠购票请点击:购票链接 (1月26日前会员价低至$8!)
🎭 变脸表演 – 欣赏令人叹为观止的中国传统“变脸”艺术
💃 多元表演 – 来自社区的传统舞蹈、舞狮、武术、民乐演奏和动人歌唱等精彩节目轮番登场
🎻 特邀嘉宾 – 杰出音乐家杨瑾,钟世琪现场演绎,为观众献上震撼的音乐体验
✨ 重要提醒:
- 晚会票 不对号入座,先到先得,请于 6:00-6:30 准时进场,并尽量提前取票以减少现场等待时间。
- 为了照顾年幼观众和表演者,今年晚会提前到 6:30 开始,节目安排紧凑,预计能在 8:30 结束。请大家尊重艺术家,坐满全场,静心欣赏欢快和高质量的晚会节目。
- 为保证观赏体验,请 文明观礼,尽量与家人一同到场,避免占座行为。
- 晚会前现场从 2:00pm 开始有品种繁多的 Food Truck、盒饭和小吃提供。请携带 现金 购买(部分商家接受信用卡或在线支付)。
- 下午 1:30 - 5:30 高中体育馆有 庙会,免费入场!儿童活动设有充气城堡和各种趣味游戏,还有丰富的小礼物免费发放。另有糖画、糖葫芦、炒货、奶茶等美味小吃及各类手工艺品出售,请携带 现金或支持在线支付。
🎟 票务信息:
早鸟票价仅需$10,华协会员每家可以购买两张$8 1月26日后票价$12,现场票价$15,机会难得,立即抢票!
📞咨询请联系: lca07039NJ@gmail.com
取票地点:1/19 1-2pm Vivi bubble tea
1/25 10:30-11:30 Senior Community Center Craft Rm 1

图书馆华裔开放日—Bilingual Chinese Open House
11/15/2024 3:31 pm

Youth Mental Wellness Fair 2024
11/13/2024 10:15 pm
聆听专家座谈 与专业人士面对面交流 获取丰富的本地资源展示

Open Space - Orchard Hill, Licari, and Strahman I & II
11/7/2024 10:55 am
Be a Part of the Discussion!
We need your ideas about how the town should use the Orchard Hill, Licari, and Strahman I & II sites!
First, let us know your thoughts by filling out the survey at bit.ly/TMLivingston.
Then, attend the Township's in–person public information session:
o Thursday, November 7, 2024
o 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
o Livingston Senior/Community Center, 204 Hillside Avenue, Lower Level
The Township owns the Orchard Hill, Licari, and Strahman I sites and is in negotiations to acquire the Strahman II site.
The session will focus on evaluating open space in Livingston and possible recreational options – such as trails, community gardens, etc. – for the sites. We hope everyone will take advantage of this opportunity to voice their ideas about how best to utilize the spaces.
Please take the online survey now at bit.ly/TMLivingston and let us know what you think would be the best uses of some of Livingston’s open space.
Your participation will guide the Township in determining and implementing final options for each site that are best suited for our residents and the surrounding community.

11/3/2024 5:10 pm
2024年11月2日,李文斯顿华人协会在Mango Mango举办了首次镇委员会志愿者见面会,吸引了20多位热心社区成员参与。活动中,大家在轻松友好的氛围中进行了自我介绍,分享了各自的经验,并解答了常见问题。特别嘉宾镇议员Michael Vieira到场,为大家深入讲解了李文斯顿各委员会的功能和运作方式,还介绍了镇上一些知名的非盈利组织。活动还特别设置了抽奖环节,幸运者赢得了作家林世钰亲笔签名的新书或West Essex Tribune一年的报纸订阅。通过这次活动,李文斯顿华人协会积极推动了社区公民参与,鼓励华裔居民走出舒适区,积极参与社区服务。
On November 2, 2024, the Livingston Chinese Association held its first Town Committee Volunteers Meet and Greet at Mango Mango, bringing together over 20 enthusiastic community members. The event provided a warm and engaging environment for attendees to introduce themselves, share experiences, and address common questions. Town Councilman Michael Vieira joined as a special guest, offering an in-depth overview of various committee roles and operations within Livingston, as well as highlighting some of the town’s well-known nonprofit organizations. The event also featured a raffle, where lucky winners received autographed books by renowned author Lin Shiyu or a one-year subscription to the West Essex Tribune. Through this gathering, the Livingston Chinese Association promoted civic engagement, encouraging Chinese-American residents to step out of their comfort zones and actively contribute to the community.
If you are interested in joining a town committee, please submit your application by November 27, 2024. You can download the application form here and email the completed form to townclerk@livingstonnj.org. For more details on committee roles, please visit the committee information page.

LCASTRONG : 携手同行,共创友谊与包容
11/3/2024 4:59 pm
11月3日这个阳光明媚的周日早晨,李文斯顿华人协会(LCA)与社区成员相聚在LifeTown,共同加入了这一年一度的FC WALKS活动。上午11点,我们的LCASTRONG队伍出发了,沿途吸引了一些邻镇的朋友,他们纷纷加入我们,用行动表达支持。彼此的陪伴和鼓励,让整个活动充满温馨和力量。
步行后,大家在一起享受了家庭友好活动、美食和娱乐表演,笑声洒满了这个特别的日子。LCASTRONG队伍所筹集的资金将用于Friendship Circle和LifeTown的重要项目,为社区中有特殊需求的孩子和年轻人提供资源和支持。
Walking Together: LCASTRONG Joins FC WALKS on November 3rd
On the sunny morning of November 3rd, the Livingston Chinese Association (LCA) gathered at LifeTown with friends and community members for the annual FC WALKS. At 11:00 AM, our LCASTRONG team set off, joined by friends from neighboring towns who were drawn to walk alongside us. The warmth and encouragement shared along the way filled the day with a beautiful sense of community.
After the walk, everyone enjoyed family-friendly activities, delicious food, and lively entertainment, making it a day full of laughter and connection. Funds raised by the LCASTRONG team will support the Friendship Circle and LifeTown’s essential programs, which provide resources and support to children and young adults with special needs in our community.
Heartfelt thanks to everyone who walked, donated, and cheered us on! Your support made this day even more meaningful. If you couldn’t attend, you’re still welcome to donate through LCASTRONG’s link to help us continue sharing warmth and care together.

李庄华裔代表 Meet and Greet @ Mango Mango
10/29/2024 10:42 pm
When: Saturday November 2nd 1pm-3pm
Where: Mango Mango @Livingston Town Center
Come meet and chat with your fellow Chinese residents who have served or currently serving on Livingston township's different boards and committees.
- You will receive 10% discount on drinks and desserts during the Meet & Greet happy hours.
- LCA will have raffle prize drawings for participants - 2 winners to one-year subscription of the town newspaper - West Essex Tribune.
Learn from their volunteer and civic engagement experience. Ask questions if you are interested in applying for the more than a dozen township committees. We will also have information about other major civic organizations in town such as - Livingston Leagues of Women Voters, Livingston Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Livingston Rotary Club.
See what representation and volunteers as of the beginning of 2024 in the below flyer. Be inspired and look forward to more faces in civic engagement, volunteerism and leadership from the Livingston Chinese community!

参加华协队伍LCASTRONG-Nov. 3 与你漫步FC Walk
10/28/2024 11:03 pm
Sunday, November 3, 2024 - 11:00 AM
李文斯顿华人协会(LCA)正式组队 LCASTRONG, 欢迎大家加入我们的队伍,共同参与这个一年一度有意义的活动。队伍所筹集的资金将全部用于Friendship Circle and Lifetown的重要项目,为李文斯顿及周边地区特殊需求人士提供基本资源和活动。LCA作为李文斯顿社区的一个重要组成部分,致力于社区的携手合作,共同创造一个多元化和包容的社区环境。
1.Go to www.fcwalk.com and register, as part of the process they will have an option to join a team, please choose LCASTRONG. - 先注册后选队
2. You have an option to donate, or simply join us for a walk(Free). -入队后可以选择走路或/及捐款
3. If you choose to donate only, not participate to walk, then pleae go to https://www.fcwalk.com/LCASTRONG - 如不能参加走路,欢迎直接捐款