9/23/2024 9:56 am
本次钓鱼比赛时间定在10月19日周六,正值New Jersey Free Fishing Day,无需购买钓鱼证,大家都可以参与。
1. 比赛日期:2024年10月19日
2. 比赛时间:下午1:00 – 4:00
3. 比赛地点:Hopatcong State Park, NJ
4. 规则:自由钓鱼比赛,参赛者可自选钓鱼地点和钓具,
5. 报名方式:请在10月15日前填写报名表(姓名及参加人数,
6. 报名: https://forms.gle/
7. 奖品:比赛将设有丰厚奖品,包括一等奖1名,二等奖2名,
8. 参赛要求:选手需自备钓具和饵料,但无需钓鱼证。
请注意,公园当天免费,但由于是New Jersey Free Fishing Day,预计会有较多游客。为了避免停车位紧张,
李文斯顿华人协会荣获AAPI NJ资助,共同推动社区文化交流
9/14/2024 11:42 am
李文斯顿华人协会很荣幸成为AAPI NJ的资助项目之一!作为一个致力于增进利文斯顿地区社区凝聚力和弘扬中华文化的非营利组织,我们积极参与并举办各类活动。感谢AAPI NJ对我们在7月4日活动中的支持与肯定!了解更多信息,请在脸书上关注AAPI New Jersey。一起为社区创造更多美好记忆!
The Livingston Chinese Association is honored to be one of the recipients of the AAPI NJ subgrant! As a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering community cohesion and promoting Chinese culture in the Livingston area, we actively participate in and host a variety of events. We sincerely thank AAPI NJ for their support and recognition during our July 4th celebration! If your organization is also interested in applying for a subgrant, follow AAPI New Jersey on Facebook to learn more. Together, let's create more wonderful memories for the community!
2024-25 LCA 董事会选举结果通报
8/31/2024 11:17 am
2024/8/28 晚上,2024-25 LCA董事会举行了换届选举。经过不具名投票,
Micro | 2020 Jan/Feb
2/21/2019 1:29 pm
In this issue:
Environmental Microbiolog
Enzymology and Protein Engineerin
Genetics and Molecular Biology
Invertebrate Microbiolog
Public and Environmental Health